Paganini Solitaire
Arrange all cards in rows of the same color and in sequence from A to King. Click a card to move a card to an empty spot if it is the same color and 1 higher in sequence then the card on the left of the empty spot. You can use shuffle (clubs icon top right).
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Current rating: 2.8 out of 16 votes.
This game has been played 5.230 times.
Tags & Categories
The highscore for this game is 6,494, achieved by MookieJoe at 2023-08-03.
- 1. MookieJoe6,494
- 2. bull74486,476
- 3. Hotpink6,464
- 4. stvn6,458
- 5. eminentza6,456
- 6. RL.Bologna.Ita6,452
- 7. mehor6,444
- 8. Myriam06126,422
- 9. shygirl156,422
- 10. Silver606,388
- 11. adi676,344
- 12. Herciteri6,336
- 13. Täzzi6,320
- 14. faster26,284
- 15. Kalle666,280
- 16. katarina6,078
- 17. shooter6,014
- 18. bram125,918
- 19. lijdia5,916
- 20. jday5,912
- 21. Hotgarlic5,884
- 22. frenchee5,884
- 23. Antonella,ita5,876
- 24. Reija5,840
- 25. Nicoleta585,790
- 26. babytumbleweede5,702
- 27. rabe 555,590
- 28. Mina8215,478
- 29. Migman5,394
- All highscores →